Being stressed out is no fun. Whether it is work deadlines, family obligations, or just feeling overwhelmed, stress can really put a damper on your day. The good news is that there are tons of relaxation techniques you can try to help melt that stress away. 

    Deep Breathing Exercises

    Taking some slow, deep breaths is one of the quickest ways to relax. When you are feeling frazzled, stop what you’re doing and just breathe. Inhale slowly through your nose, letting your belly rise. Hold it for a few seconds, then exhale out through your mouth. Repeat this 5-10 times and you will start to feel calmer.

    Progressive Muscle Relaxation

    This technique helps release physical tension you may not even realize you are holding onto. Start from your toes and literally tense and relax each muscle group working up to your head. Scrunch up your toes tight, then release. Flex your calves, then release, and so on. By the time you get to your face and jaw muscles, your whole body should be loose and relaxed.

    Guided Imagery and Body Scans

    Another powerful technique is guided imagery, where you visualize feelings of warmth and relaxation spreading throughout your body. This can be done by following along with a recorded audio guide or by doing a body scan on your own. For a body scan, start by noticing how your toes feel in that moment without judging – are they warm, tingly, tense? Work your way up each part of your body this way, breathing deeply and letting go of any tightness or stress you discover. The focused attention and conscious relaxation of a body scan can leave you feeling amazingly refreshed.


    Close your eyes and picture a peaceful scene like a beach, forest, or any place that makes you feel serene. Concentrate on picturing every tiny detail using all five senses – the sights, sounds, smells, textures, and even tastes, if applicable. This visualization exercise is almost like taking a mini vacation in your mind.

    Yoga and Stretching

    Getting your body moving through yoga poses, stretches, or light exercise is great for releasing muscle tension and emotional stress. You don’t have to be an expert yogi either. Simple movements like neck rolls, shoulder shrugs, or standing forward folds can increase blood flow and ease a stressed mind.

    Sound Baths

    You may have heard of sound baths in Salt Lake City and wondered what they are all about. The experts at Maloca Sound say that, essentially, you just lie down and allow the vibrations from special singing bowls, gongs, or chimes to wash over you in relaxing waves of sound. Some people find this very therapeutic and calming for the mind.

    Relaxation Aids

    Sometimes using props can help too. Things like stress balls, fidget toys, massage tools, or even a simple pen and paper for doodling can give your restless hands something to play with while your mind unwinds. Aromatherapy with essential oils like lavender can also promote a tranquil vibe.

    Making Time for Fun

    In our hectic, over-scheduled lives, it is so important to actually schedule in time for activities you truly enjoy and find relaxing. Things like reading an engrossing novel, doing arts and crafts, playing games, or pursuing a hobby you love. Making space for fun and creativity is a necessity, not a luxury. 


    Everyone has different techniques that work best for them, so keep experimenting to find your ideal stress-busting tactics. The key is setting aside time every day to actively practice relaxation, even if it is just taking a few minutes to pause, breathe, and hit the reset button.

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