Pain medicine is a specialty that focuses on working with patients to manage chronic pain. Doctors specializing in pain medicine undergo additional training by way of a fellowship that teaches them the different aspects of pain management and some of the therapies they will look to as they treat their patients. A big part of what they do is restore function.

    Restoring function is critical to pain management for a number of reasons. As such, things like physical and occupational therapy are routine. It all boils down to the fact that managing chronic pain requires more than just prescription medication. When a patient relies solely on medication, the outcome tends to be less than ideal.

    Lone Star Pain Medicine is a Weatherford, TX clinic specializing in pain medicine. Below are five reasons they say restoring function is so critical to pain management:

    1. Breaking the Pain Cycle

    At the top of the list is breaking the pain cycle. When people experience chronic pain, it is very easy to limit physical activity. Why move around when doing so only hurts? It’s a reasonable mindset. But it is also a harmful one.

    A lack of physical activity leads to muscle weakness and stiffness. And in many cases of chronic pain, muscle weakness and stiffness only make matters worse. Restoring function also restores muscle strength. Strong muscles are better able to support the body, thereby alleviating pain.

    2. Reversing Deactivation

    Hand-in-hand with breaking the pain cycle is reversing deactivation. Pain medicine doctors describe deactivation as the process of becoming increasingly less active commensurate with pain levels. As pain increases, a person is less likely to be active. Restoring function reverses this process. The end result is improved strength and flexibility.

    3. Reducing Medication

    Ideally patience should be on the least amount of medication possible. As we know, certain types of pain medication can be extremely harmful when taken over long periods of time. Reducing dependence on pain medication can be achieved, at least to some degree, with restored function.

    4. Alleviating Psychological Harm

    Chronic pain is often associated with things like anxiety and depression. People who find themselves unable to enjoy their favorite hobbies, activities, etc., can find themselves gradually dropping out, so to speak. That can lead to psychological harm.

    Restoring function gives a chronic pain patient a reason to get up and get back out there. It also boosts confidence and self-esteem, improves a patient’s mood, and ultimately contributes to better mental health overall.

    If you know someone who suffers with chronic pain, do not underestimate the potential psychological harm from prolonged inactivity. One of the worst things a chronic pain patient can do is sit at home doing nothing, isolated from the world and dependent on medication for relief.

    5. Improving Quality of Life

    The fifth and final reason restoring function is so critical to pain management actually underscores the previous four: improving quality of life. That is really what pain medicine is all about.

    Rare is the chronic pain patient who finds complete relief after years of dealing with pain. On the other hand, it is not so rare for pain patients to enjoy a better quality of life after turning to a pain medicine specialist for help. Restoring function is a key component because it allows pain patients to get back to some semblance of normalcy.

    Pain medicine doesn’t get enough credit for the work it accomplishes. Here’s hoping more chronic pain patients seek out pain medicine specialists who can help them restore function, reduce their dependence on medication, and enjoy a better quality of life.

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